FranklinIs Connected

Youth Advisory Council

Youth Advisory Council

On July 28th area high-school students who are members of their schools YAC Club visited the children at Community Childcare. The children made tie dye t-shirts, played games and then had story and snack time.

Seven area schools were represented with students from: Ravenwood H.S., Woodland Middle, Page H.S., Page Middle, Independence, Brentwood H.S. and Brentwood Academy. These are very dedicated young people who take time out of their summers to volunteer in Williamson County.

All are members of YAC (Youth Advisory Council) a youth leadership program through the United Way of Williamson County. YAC empowers youth to make their own decisions, help improve their community and take an active role in their own lives. YAC is open to any Williamson County high school student that’s interested in community service and enhancing their leadership abilities.

If you know of a high school student who would like to join with other high school students in this leadership program, please contact Carla Arnette at the Williamson County United Way, 615.771.2312.