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Literacy Launchpad

Literacy Launchpad

Literacy Launchpad
Opening new worlds to young minds…
By Polly Bibb

Did you know? Williamson County has a literacy program to encourage young people to read. It’s called Literary Launchpad, and for the last year, Amy Watson has been running the program. Watson, a graduate of MTSU , created Launchpad with her own curriculum in an effort to reach out to young children and show them how much fun reading can be.

Watson says she is concerned with opening doors to reading and explains that she wants young students to enjoy it, rather than viewing it as a burdensome task. Her goal is to motivate children while teaching them.  Watson’s curriculum is not only informative but creative and hands-on.  If students are reading The Polar Express, then they will take an imaginary ride on the Polar Express or decorate beans and plant them after reading Jack and the Bean Stalk.

Launchpad, which is open to all children, sets up partnerships with organizations like daycares and recreation centers. So far, they partner with the Children’s Center daycares in Franklin and Spring Hill, Hospitots, Southgate Children’s Academy and Active Learning Center in Bellevue.  Watson will set up different sessions, where children ages 2-5 can come once a week for a 30 min to 60 min session.  The classroom only has seven to eight students, making it easier for the children to engage in one-on-one learning experiences.  During the sessions, Watson reads a story, has a literacy activity that enforces the skill they are learning for the week, and tries to create a fun, meaningful experience with the book.

“Reading is very important,” Watson says. “It is at the heart of every subject in school. Literacy Launchpad is a program that will prepare the child for kindergarten. Our main goal is motivation. Reading is fun and has a purpose. It isn’t just about doing work. We want the children to have fun and get excited about reading.”

Watson says she has received a lot of encouragement about her program. Parents have expressed excitement in how their children have responded to Launchpad. In addition to creating the curriculum and teaching the children, Watson also creates newsletters for the parents, individual progress reports, and she gives parents suggested reading lists.

Marti Jeffords, a parent of one of the Launchpad students named Kathryn, says Watson’s program is making a difference in her child’s life.

“Kathryn loved her ‘reading’ class,” she says. ” We were so impressed with her progress. I loved the feedback from Amy on her progress reports and weekly lessons. My husband and I agree that it is a wonderful program that introduces children to literary concepts and works on their comprehension skills at a level they easily understand.”

To find out more about how your child can become a part of Literacy Launchpad check out their Web site.