FranklinIs Connected

Pets of the Week

E+ROSE Health Food Restaurant & Juice Bar Brentwood & Nashville.

Pets of the Week


Macy has such a gentle soul and serene spirit that make her a joy to be around! She is seven years old and has such beautiful and expressive brown eyes! Macy’s shiny black coat has snow white markings on her chest and toes. The gray around her muzzle gives her such a distinguished look!

Macy ambles contentedly at your side on daily walks and loves being in the fenced yard. She is so sweet and affectionate and loves to be petted. Macy has an obedient personality and enjoys the company of people of all ages.

Milton is a ten-year-old cat that is accustomed to the good things in life. He is looking for a forever home with a loving family.  Milton is a beautiful orange tabby with green eyes. If you think this senior would fit in at your home, come by Williamson County Animal Center to meet him!