Town Hall Scheduled for District 61 State Representative Gino Bulso at Brentwood Library

(Brentwood, TN) District 61 State Representative, Gino Bulso, will hold a town hall meeting on Friday, March 15, 2024, from 4:00pm to 5:30pm at the Brentwood Library. Representative Bulso will discuss important topics, recent legislative activities and bills, and the progress of bills he has sponsored and co-sponsored this legislative session.
“I’m looking forward to discussing these topics with my fellow residents of District 61. We’ve had a very productive session in the General Assembly and I’m eager to get feedback from the voters”, stated State Representative, Gino Bulso
Bills reviewed and discussed will be:
HB0257 Improving communications between disabled drivers and law enforcement.
HB1828 Designates George Washington’s Farewell Address to the American People, Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America, the Aitken Bible, and a collection of Pulitzer Prize winning works of fiction and non-fiction written in Tennessee as official Tennessee state books.
HB1605 Known as the “flag bill” that ensures parents remain in control of what values their children are exposed to in public school across the state.
HB1631 Extends private pre-K through 12 schools the ability to develop their own firearms policies to protect students, teachers and staff.
For those unable to make the in-person meeting at the Brentwood Library, there will be a live stream that can be accessed on the “Gino Bulso TN State Representative” Facebook page. Everyone will be able to watch the meeting and present any questions.
Town Hall Meeting Location: Brentwood Library, 8109 Concord Rd, Brentwood, TN 37027.