FranklinIs Connected

Ten Thousand Villages

Ten Thousand Villages

The Ten Thousand Villages holiday sale season kicks off on Sunday, October 5, from 12:00pm to 5:00pm with 10% of all sales that day to be donated to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Middle Tennessee.  The nonprofit fair trade store is located at 3900 Hillsboro Pike in Green Hills.

Experience the sights, sounds and textures of intriguing creations handcrafted by skilled artisans.  Your purchases will help provide vital, fair income to people in developing countries who would otherwise be unemployed or underemployed.  This income helps pay for food, education, health care and housing.

Celebrate your love for family and friends with beautiful, useful gifts, holiday decorations and home accents from Ten Thousand Villages.  And better still, by shopping on October 5 you are helping Big Brothers Big Sisters change the way children are growing up in Middle Tennessee.

To learn more about supporting the Big Brothers Big Sisters program, visit or call (615) 329-9191.  For more info on the sale, visit

About Big Brothers Big Sisters
Big Brothers Big Sisters is the premiere youth mentoring organization in Middle Tennessee and across the country.  Studies show that children with a mentor are less likely to become involved in drugs, gangs, and violence… and their grades and behavior improve as a result.

Big Brothers Big Sisters is certainly a part of the answer to improving these children’s lives and their communities, and investing in Big Brothers Big Sisters will change how our children grow up in America.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Middle Tennessee serves children all across Middle Tennessee in Metro Nashville/Davidson county as well as Rutherford, Williamson, Cheatham, Hickman, Dickson, Robertson, Sumner, and Wilson counties.

For more information, contact Big Brothers Big Sisters of Middle Tennessee at (615) 329-9191 or visit their website at   The administrative offices for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Middle Tennessee are located at One Vantage Way, Suite C250, Nashville, Tennessee  37228.