Ms. Williamson County Senior
The beauty and elegance of ladies over 60 will be celebrated at the Ms. Williamson County Senior Pageant at the 2008 Williamson County Fair presented by Tractor Supply Company, August 1-9 at the Williamson County Ag Expo Park. The goal of the pageant, to be held at 3:00pm on Sunday, August 3rd, is to emphasize and give honor to women who have reached the “age of elegance” and is a search for the gracious lady who best exemplifies dignity, maturity and inner beauty.
Olivia Haley, winner of the 2007 pageant, was prompted to enter the contest by a friend. “Patsy McClellan from my church asked me to be in the pageant last year. I told her I did not
have a talent and she said ‘Yes, you do . . . you sing and dance!’ I had done those things at church functions, but never really thought of it as a talent. It was just having fun.” Haley also won the Ms. Tennessee Senior Pageant in March. “Now, here I am going to the Ms. Senior America contest in October to compete against women from all over America. I can’t believe it’s happening to me.”
To qualify for the pageant, ladies must be 60 or older, reside or own a business in Williamson County and be a United States citizen. Contestants will be asked to show talent, give a philosophy of life, participate in an evening gown competition and a personal interview with the judges. The winner will receive prizes, a $100 donation to the senior center of their choice, a crown and sash, flowers and an all expense paid trip to the statewide competition.
Complete registration information, entry forms and rules for the Ms. Williamson County Senior Pageant are in the fair premium catalogue available at the Ag Expo Park, the Williamson County Mayor’s office, County Recreation Centers, and the Williamson County Public Library and community branches. Pageant applications are available at the Williamson County Extension Office, healthcare centers, senior citizen centers or the fair website. A completed application must be received by Saturday, July 26, 2008. Entrants should mail applications to JoAnn DeFriese, 1190 Cross Creek Drive, Franklin, TN 37067 or e mail to There is no entry fee. For more information about the 2008 Williamson County Fair presented by Tractor Supply Company and a downloadable copy of the fair catalogue visit, or call (615)794-4FUN.