FranklinIs Connected

Steeplechase Party Pics

Steeplechase Party Pics

Official photos from  The 73nd annual Iroquois Steeplechase,took place on May 10, 2014, with another spectacular race day of over 25,0000 sponsored by Bank of America.  Bank of America has been a presenting sponsor of the event for 24 years, helping the event become Nashville’s Rite of Spring.

“Our strong commitment to fostering relationships within the communities we serve is an essential piece of Bank of America’s culture,” said John Stein, president of Bank of America Tennessee and honorary co-chair for the 73rd running. “We believe in the power of connections, bringing together resources, diverse ideas and dedicated teams to take on challenges and drive change. We’re honored to be connected to the Iroquois, an event that supports a Nashville treasure in its mission to provide the best care for children in the region.”

The success of the Iroquois and ability to give back to the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt is in large part due to the continued generosity of the Middle Tennessee business community.

“We are grateful for Bank of America’s continued generosity and its longtime support of the Iroquois Steeplechase,” said Dwight Hall, chairman of the Iroquois race committee. “Bank of America’s tremendous support over the years has helped the Iroquois grow and become a world class event that gives back to such a worthy cause year after year.”