FranklinIs, is the home of The Sizzle Awards - The original, longest running, largest and only not-for-profit “Best Businesses of Williamson County, Tennessee Awards”.
Each year we hold a public vote with 100s of thousands of votes from Best Fine Dining to Best Orthopedic Practice to featured categories like Cuisine, Health and Wellness, Personal Care, Services, Entertainment and Shopping. FranklinIs and The Sizzle Awards give the public a voice, the businesses an opportunity to promote and the community access to our choices of the best, FOR FREE!

The Awards also provide awareness and donations to our charity partners.
Sizzle Award registration & nominations
The infamous voter's choice poll recognizing the “Best of the Best” businesses in Williamson County.
IMPORTANT NOTE: For your business to be part of the poll you must register your business at anytime. If your business is currently listed in the directory, you do not need to add it again to be included in the Sizzle Awards. To check if your business is already registered CLICK HERE and search from your business name. If it shows up you are good to go. You can login and update your information if you would like. Any changes can take 24-36 hours for your listing to be reviewed and published in the directory.
Click here to REGISTER FOR SIZZLE AWARDS or go to FranklinIs.com and select “add Directory” in the upper right corner of the website.
Once you are on this page. Select an option to register your business for the Poll. Free, Silver, Gold or Platinum. Free allows your business to be in one (1) category for the Poll. The others allow more categories, links, photos, marketing support and more.
OVER 71,000 users on FranklinIs that will vote on your business.
Register And Win
Registration/nominations each year go continuous until January 31
Poll Voting - Opens on February 3rd thru February 28th
Winners announced online, in the media and at The Sizzle Awards Winners Gala in March.
Click here to REGISTER FOR SIZZLE AWARDS and to be a recognized top business in Williamson County through the year!

Annually we hold an Awards Gala. The Sizzle Awards Winners Gala has been huge success with well over 500 attendees and great awareness and donations to our charity partners. Food, music, drinks, friendships, great conversations and the announcement of the Best Business winners.
We applaud your commitment to excellence and the growth of your business.
In addition to the Gala, there are mass digital announcements of the winners, and press campaigns. Celebrating all the winners through media platforms, our Sizzle Awards Winners Page and throughout social media. Promoting them within our directories and our huge community email lists. All winners will receive an Award and Logos to further promote their businesses and let the public know that Williamson County voted them the BEST!!! Winners may select the option below to receive additional Awards and Logos.
Let us know your Instagram by following us @franklinistn so we can assist with your social media traffic. For all online postings please use the hashtags #franklinis and #franklinistn.
If you are interested in being part of the limited advertisers featured on franklinis.com please e-mail sizzleawards@franklinis.com for pricing.

Frequently Asked Questions
Get your business in the Poll Directory now.
The Directory also gives you business visibility all year with a highlighted tracker to see how many visitors view your business. See an example below:

Best of luck in becoming “best of the best” business of Williamson County as chosen by the public!