FranklinIs Connected

4th Annual Bill Peach Franklin Book Festival in June

4th Annual Bill Peach Franklin Book Festival in June

The Bill Peach Franklin Book Festival will be held June 8-9, 2024, at the Williamson County Public Library (WCPL), 1314 Columbia Avenue, in Franklin, TN. Times are June 8, 10:00a – 5:00p, and June 9, 1:30p – 5:00p.

Presented by Authors Circle of Middle Tennessee and WCPL, the 4th annual festival includes instructional presentations on writing, publishing, and marketing; featured speakers; panel discussions; and book sales and signings with 30 or more authors. The festival is FREE to all, and the public is invited to this celebration of the written word.

The Franklin Book Festival was organized and led by the late Bill Peach. After his death in December 2023, his dream lives on in this year’s event, renamed in his honor. Mr. Peach was the author of six books, a longtime Franklin merchant, school board member, former political candidate, and “Main Street Philosopher,” who was always open to a good conversation at Merridee’s in his beloved downtown Franklin.