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The BBB Protects the Reputation of Williamson County Businesses

The BBB Protects the Reputation of Williamson County Businesses

Jim Furbush
Williamson County Branch Manager

Better Business Bureau of Middle Tennessee, Inc.

Recently The Better Business Bureau issued several media releases warning Middle Tennesseans of the business practices of area businesses. These alerts can be viewed at As you read the reports you may find you are lucky enough to never have heard of these companies, much less done business with them. Luckier still, your company in a completely different industry and don’t think this could affect you. The members of the Better Business Bureau understand that this is far from true.

Consumers and businesses alike choose to do business with organizations they trust will treat them fairly. If the company is located in Williamson County this confidence is often taken for granted because of the positive reputation business here has earned by years of ethical behavior.  This reputation attracts consumers seeking trustworthy businesses and is responsible for the tremendous growth this area has seen.  The overall high quality of the business environment is also responsible for the number of companies that have chosen this county to call home.

Unfortunately, unethical business owners understand this as well and locate here to take advantage of the hard-earned reputations of area businesses.  They know that a Williamson County address will give them an immediate level of credibility and respect that will help them camouflage their business practices. At least for a while. Eventually, word spreads as the truth comes to light that this is a business to avoid. By then a lot of damage can be done.

The first victims are those that deal directly with the company; customers, suppliers and even the employees.  Sadly, the damage doesn’t stop there. Like a bad spot on a piece of fruit, the damage spreads.  One bad company can damage the reputation of all businesses in that industry and eventually in the community.

This was dramatically illustrated by a call recently received by the Better Business Bureau. Calling from another state, this cheated consumer said her experience made her question how business was done in Tennessee.  In a way, every business in the state was a victim of one action.

The Better Business Bureau works to protect the reputations of businesses by providing information to help retail and commercial customers, suppliers and employees, know the business practices of a company when choosing a business.  Reports and alerts on Middle Tennessee businesses are viewed by millions each year creating an incentive to maintain a high level of integrity.  More importantly, those companies that work hard to do things the right way are separated from those with lesser standards.  The entire process works only when we take the time to read the reports and alerts provided free of charge by the businesses that are members of the BBB. Checking before you do business helps protect you and the reputations of all businesses in Williamson County!

For more information on a business or to get the latest alerts, check with the BBB at , the consumer line: (615) 242-4222 or call your Williamson County Branch Office: (615) 250-7432.