FranklinIs Connected

Stray Magnet

Stray Magnet

Brooke Schroeder launched October 2012 to “help empower people to make a difference for animals through education, awareness and stories.” The site features weekly news articles, adoptable pets from area shelters, and inspiring and helpful rescue stories. In addition there is a lost and  found section offering a lost and found board with free pet alerts and lots of helpful advice on what to do if you lose/find a pet. The site also has a local resource section featuring a free business directory and lists of animal welfare organizations and shelters. Lastly, it offers a pet memorial section where visitors can honor their pets who have passed with a photo or video and short story.

The name “Stray Magnet” was coined by Brookeʼs husband a month into marriage after three strays were brought home. Brookeʼs background is in education and career experience predominantly in higher education administration with a few years working for a pr/marketing/web design firm. Now she is daily challenged and thankful for being home to raise her two young daughters. As she is not out on the streets running across strays as frequently the website is an effort to continue to help people and animals. “I just want to utilize my passion to help make a difference in the world and if I can help just one person or animal it will be worth it.”

P.O. Box 159163
Nashville, TN 37215-9163
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