O’More Irish Experience Display
The O’More Irish Experience display of student photos is open to the public at the Abbey Leix Mansion, O’More College of Design, from Sept 4—Sept 13, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. each day. 14 students, college faculty, and Williamson County representative studied in County Laois Ireland this summer and have returned with photos of their experience.
We welcome the public to stop by and view these works. Each photo is for sale by silent auction and auction bidding sheets are attached to each piece. Funds raised from the auction will provide scholarships for international travel for students with financial needs.
The silent auction will close out on Sept 14th at the Outdoor O’More Croquet Soiree. Winning bidders do not have to be present at the soiree—as winning bidders will be contacted by phone the following week. We still have openings for this Croquet Party on the 14th where an additional silent auction, music, food, and merriment may be found.
Tickets for the Soiree may be purchased by calling Merry Sedlak, at O’More College of Design, 794-4254 ext. 239. Please stop by our Irish-Experience Display from Sept 4—Sept 13 and we hope you will attend our party on Sept 14th. O’More College is located at 423 South Margin St. Franklin, Tennessee.