Envision Franklin Update Community Meeting Planned for March 22 at Columbia State Community College
There will be two time slots offered to participate in, from 11 AM – 1 PM or from 5 PM – 6:30 PM
Franklin— Community Outreach for the Envision Franklin Update will continue on Wednesday, March 22, 2023 at Columbia State Community College in the Community Room. There will be two time slots offered to participate in, from 11 AM – 1 PM or from 5 PM – 6:30 PM. Lunch will be provided in the earlier meeting and snacks will be available during the evening session. The purpose of the meeting will be to collect feedback from the community, specifically on Character and Placemaking, Housing, Conservation, Growth Areas, and the Regional Commerce areas along I-65. A light lunch will be provided at the midday session and snacks will be provided for the evening session.
The feedback will be incorporated into the Envision Franklin update, which will adjust or add details to the plan that better fit Franklin today. “Planning is a continual process that should respond to new conditions, challenges, and opportunities, and the community helps identify those changes and shapes the vision and policies through participation in meetings like these,” says City of Franklin Director of Planning & Sustainability, Emily Wright.
The community meeting will take place at:
Columbia State Community College, Community Room (Administration Building A)
1228 Liberty Pike, Franklin, TN 37067
March 22, 2023 @ 11AM – 1 PM OR 5- 6:30 PM
The meeting will be facilitated by the consultant team, Rundell Ernstberger and Associates (REA) and the City of Franklin Planning & Sustainability Department.
To stay updated on the process, please visit the project webpage, www.franklintn.gov/envisionfranklinupdate or contact Teresa Anderson at Teresa.Anderson@franklintn.gov or 615-550-6794.
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