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Knight Family Chiropractic

Knight Family Chiropractic

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Dr. Knight-Nanni is a trusted and dedicated Chiropractor who has been in private practice since 1999, where patient referrals are the driving force of her success. She is well-liked in the Chiropractic community and is passionate about the impact that Chiropractic can make in the resolution of musculo-skeletal and neurological symptoms. Her emphasis is patient education and she creates individualized treatment programs to take patients from pain reduction to wellness strategies and positive lifestyle changes. Dr. Knight-Nanni always starts cases with a thorough diagnosis and explanation of treatment options and goals. This approach guarantees patient satisfaction and confidence. She is pleased to offer many treatment options with an array of advanced technologies and techniques to choose from. Patient’s can feel confident that if Dr. Knight-Nanni doesn’t feel Chiropractic care is the best option for you, she will expedite getting you to the next level of care with a trusted network of other specialists.

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