Tai Chi Ch’uan Introductory Classes Offered at Franklin Rec Center
Williamson County Parks and Recreation is offering introductory classes to Tai Chi Ch’uan.
This health and wellness activity uses smooth, continuous movements and deep breathing techniques to help participants unwind while improving balance, posture and strength. The health benefits are also designed to aid digestion, improve blood circulation and better the functioning of internal organs. Tai Chi taps into a body’s energy and reduces daily stress.
Classes will be on Tuesday mornings at 9:00 a.m. at the Franklin Recreation Complex, 1120 Hillsboro Road, Franklin, TN. A new nine-week session (with one free class built in) begins October 2 and continues through November 27. The instructor is Susan Schmitter. Registration is available at www.wcparksandrec.com, registration code #12762.
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