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New Officers

New Officers

New Officers Take Helm Of Williamson County Bar Association

The Williamson County Bar Association recently installed its new officers for the 2007-2008 term.  Mark L. Puryear III of Puryear, Newman & Morton, PLLC, who devotes his time to criminal defense, serves as President.  Karen Beyke, City Attorney for the City of Franklin, is President Elect.  Serving as Secretary is Jackson M. Welch, Jr. of Sidwell, Barrett & Welch, PC. whose practice is devoted primarily to real estate and related matters   Kim Helper, Treasurer, is an Assistant District Attorney prosecuting criminal cases for the 21st Judicial District. The Williamson County Bar is in its 19th year of providing education and support to its members, as well as special community projects like the annual high school mock trial competition.  The association usually meets the first Friday of every month and will hold its meetings this year at the Elks Club.  For more information on membership, please contact Kim Helper at (615) 790-4435.