FranklinIs Connected

Going Back to School 2007

Going Back to School 2007

When school begins please remember to:
Include medical diagnosis, allergies, medications and other health information on your child’s enrollment form. Always communicate with the clinic personnel any new medications, allergies, or diagnosis that occur during the year. Clinic personnel must have accurate phone numbers in the event of an emergency, so be sure to update all contact information as soon as it is available.

Prescription Medications: If your child will be taking prescription medication at school, a Medication Request Form must be completed. Both a parent’s and a doctor’s signatures are required for prescription medications to be dispensed at school.

Non-Prescription Medications
: If your child will be taking non-prescription (over-the-counter) medication at school, a Medication Request Form must be completed and signed by the parent before it can be administered at school. Non-prescription medications include pain relievers, fever reducers, cough suppressants and topical antibiotics (e.g., Tylenol, Advil, Tums, Neosporin, cortisone cream, etc.) and must be provided by the parent or parent designee for school use.

NEVER send medication on the bus! Medication, both prescription and non-prescription, must be brought to school in the original container with the student’s name on the label by a parent or parent designee. If the medication is non-prescription, it must be new and sealed in the original store container.
If your child has special health concerns, needs medical procedures at school, or is not able to take medication on his/her own, please call District Nurse Christy Szarwark, R.N., at 591-2803.

For more information, please visit the Franklin Special School District website at