FranklinIs Connected

Children’s Theatre

Children’s Theatre

The Star Bright Players
The Williamson County Parks and Recreation Department is thrilled to sponsor, “The Star Bright Players,” our award-winning Children’s Theatre Group. This popular theatre program encourages local children ages 7 to 17 to “take the stage, spread their wings and soar amongst the stars.” The Parks and Recreation Department produces two full scale musical productions a year and holds open auditions in February and September. Past shows include The Boyfriend, My Fair Lady, Seussical, The King & I, and Anything Goes.

Star Bright Jr. – Spring 2012
“Star Bright Jr.” program for ages 7 to 14 will be holding auditions forAladdin, Jr. on Sunday, February 5th at Freedom Middle School – 750 Highway 96 West in Franklin. Click here for audition details.
*After this show, we will transition back to our wider age range of 7 to 17 for future productions.

For more information regarding upcoming auditions, rehearsals or performances for the Star Bright Players, please contact Angie Halbrookswith the Williamson County Parks & Recreation Department at (615)790-5719 ext. 30.

The Star Bright Players “Wall of Fame”
If you are a Star Bright Alumni – we want to hear about what you are doing now, especially if you are still involved with performing.  If you would like to be added to our Wall of Fame, please contact Laurie Kamunen.  Please include your name, age, the years you were with Star Bright, the Star Bright Productions you were cast in, your favorite Star Bright memory, how participating in Star Bright influenced your life, and a brief description of what you are doing now
Also, please submit a current picture of yourself (if you are still performing, try to make it either a head shot or action shot of you performing) and a picture of yourself when you performed with Star Bright.

Powerlosers Sponsor the Star Bright Players “Your Loss can be Star Bright’s Gain”
Williamson County Parks and Rec is announcing a health and weightloss program that will not only help those who participate but will add to the coffers of our Star Bright Children’s Theatre funds.  It’s a program called powerlosers and to check it out further go to For those people who participate, the powerloser program will contribute $50 per person to our children’s theater company!!!  The program is a meal replacement program where people eat 6 times per day but only have to think about preparing 1 meal a day. The average weight loss is 2 – 5 lbs. per week and has been recommended by over 20,000 doctors for the  past 30 years. Just think about how great you’ll feel and look in addition to helping make hundreds of children’s dreams come true on stage!!!  If you, or anyone you know, is interested in learning more, check out the website,  Just remember to put “starbright” in the comments or referral box.

Missoula Children’s Theatre
The Missoula Children’s Theatre experience is great for children ages 5 to 18 who may not have the time to devote eight weeks to rehearsal for full scale musical productions. This whirlwind week of theatre starts out with auditions (unlike any you have seen before!) on Monday, rehearsals on Tuesday through Friday and culminates in two performances on Saturday. Two touring actor/ directors from Missoula, Montana, arrive to conduct the week, complete with the set, costumes, makeup, scripts and musical score.

For more information regarding upcoming auditions, rehearsals or performances for the Missoula Children’s Theatre, please contact AngieHalbrooks with the Williamson County Parks & Recreation Department at (615)790-5719 ext. 30.

Classes & Programs
Williamson County Parks and Recreation periodically offers various classes and workshops for children, teens and adults such as “Fairy Tale” Theatre, Acting for TV and Commercials, Film Production, etc… Please check out our monthly Newsletter for a listing of such programs held at various locations.