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Child Advocacy Center Reception

Child Advocacy Center Reception

The Williamson County Child Advocacy Center (CAC) has announced that a special Legacy Ball preview reception will take place on Friday, March 21, 2008 at the First Tennessee Bank on the Square in Franklin from 6:00-7:00 p.m. 

The reception will allow guests a preview of a special quilt made especially for this year’s Legacy Ball. The 1st annual Legacy Quilt was the inaugural project of the Friends of the CAC.  This quilt will remain on display at First Tennessee on the Franklin Square through April 4th.  The quilt will be auctioned at the Legacy Ball on Saturday, April 5th at the Embassy Suites in Cool Springs.

“We are grateful to everyone who has participated in this project,” stated Kelly O’Connor, Executive Director of the CAC. 

“First Tennessee has been incredibly supportive to the CAC and we are thrilled that the Legacy Quilt will be previewed and on display at First Tennessee.  We are also very appreciative to Stitchers Garden, Campus Quilts, and Friends of the CAC for donating their services to make this beautiful quilt.”  Myra Nickolaus of Stitchers Garden in Franklin donated her time to produce the professionally sewn and designed quilt. Friends of the CAC underwrote the cost of materials.  Pictures of the quilt are available on the web at  Sealed bids will be accepted at First Tennessee on the Franklin Square beginning at the Preview Party through Friday, April 4th.  Sealed bids will be represented by volunteers during the live auction at the Legacy Ball.  All proceeds from the Legacy Quilt and the Legacy Ball will benefit the Child Advocacy Center and support services to abused children.  Last year, the CAC provided over 800 services to 368 NEW clients.

The Quilt Preview Party at First Tennessee Bank is invitation-only for Friends of the CAC and sponsors of the Legacy Ball.  Friends of the CAC membership is $50 annually or a lifetime membership for $500.  Tickets for the Legacy Ball are $95 per person and include a silent auction, seated dinner and music by the Kadillacs.  Please contact the CAC at 778-0757 or at for tickets and membership information.

The Williamson County Child Advocacy Center combats child abuse by coordinating services to children and their families in crisis and providing community education focused on prevention and early intervention. The Center serves Hickman, Lewis, Perry and Williamson Counties.   

For additional information about the Child Advocacy Center and the services provided, please visit

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