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Veterans enjoy early morning breakfast hosted by WCRP


Veterans enjoy early morning breakfast hosted by WCRP

Williamson County veterans who attended the 26th annual Veterans Day Breakfast Saturday morning enjoyed a couple of hours of fellowship with men and women who share a commonality in serving in the U.S. military. The nonpartisan event sponsored by the Williamson County Republican Party featured guest speaker Lt. Col. Eric Beaty.

LTC Beaty, a Tennessee native with 19 years experience in the Army, is an Infantry Battalion Commander with the 101st Airborne at Fort Campbell responsible for about 730 soldiers. A seasoned soldier, Beaty has been deployed several times to Afghanistan, Iraq and other parts of the Middle East.

“To me, Veterans Day is one of the most important national holidays we celebrate,” he said. “It pays honor to all those service men and women who have served and are currently serving in defense of our great nation.”

Differentiating between Veterans Day and Memorial Day, Beaty added, “Veterans Day is a celebration, not a remembrance.”

Originally called Armistice Day in commemoration of the end of major hostilities during World War I, which occurred at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918, Pres. Woodrow Wilson proclaimed it a national holiday in 1919.

In his proclamation, Wilson said, “[The day] will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died … and gratitude for the victory …”

America has been blessed with an amazingly talented citizenry, but without the work completed by our veterans, none would have been able to accomplish all they have accomplished,” Beaty said.

Although the military budget is continually being cut, while being asked to do more to fight very real threats against the country, according to Beaty, the military will stand strong.

“I can tell you that the U.S. military will continue to meet that challenge, will make our nation proud and will make our veterans proud,” Beaty said. “Our all volunteer military is still getting volunteers, and we are getting some great people.”

All veterans share common experiences, traits and characteristics, he explained.

“They understand courage, respect, honor, loyalty and selfless service to their country and to those who stand and fight beside them,” Beaty said.

“I am completely humbled and proud to be here with our veterans and those who support our veterans.”

Photo by Carole Robinson

Ft. Campbell Command Sargent Major Shawn Doucette – has been in the Army 27-years. This is his fourth time stationed at Ft. Campbell; Lt. Col. Eric Beaty, Commander, 1-237, 1 BCT 101 Airborne (Air Assault)