FranklinIs Connected

Back to School

Back to School

Student registration dates for the 2012-2013 school year will take place at the end of the summer, prior to the opening of school. Students are not required to be present for this drop-in registration period. Please check your school below for the registration date and time:

  • Franklin Elementary, Johnson Elementary, Liberty Elementary, Moore Elementary, and Poplar Grove

Registration:  Tuesday, August 7, 3:00-7:00 PM
First Full Day: Thursday, August 9

Freedom Intermediate

Registration:  Tuesday, August 7, 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
First Full Day: Thursday, August 9

  • Freedom Middle

Tuesday, August 7, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Wednesday, August 8, 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM
First Full Day: Thursday, August 9

Please bring the following documents to registration:

  • Birth Certificate: If your student is entering school for the first time, please bring a birth certificate. The FSSD requires a certified birth certificate to verify name and age.  A passport is also acceptable.
  • Two Proofs of Residency: Each year, parents are required to show two forms for proof of residency in the FSSD, with name and current address on the document. (This includes rising kindergarten parents who provided proof of residency at kindergarten registration in the spring). These documents must reflect billing for the month prior to registration. If residing with another family, the primary homeowner must complete a notarized Residency Affidavit; provide two proofs of residency under his/her name, and a photo I.D.

Examples of acceptable proofs of residency:

  • Utility bills (gas, electric, water) for the month prior to registration.
  • Cable or satellite bills for the month prior to registration.
  • Copy of signed Lease Agreement (including renewed Lease Agreements), a signed valid non-contingent real estate contract, or signed executed Settlement Statement with supporting documentation.

Examples of unacceptable proofs of residency:

  • Mobile or land line phone bill
  • Bank, credit card or insurance statements
  • Driver’s license or car title

Many of the school registration forms are available online for parents to print and complete in advance.

 Children enrolling in pre-school, pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, 7th grade, or students who are new to the FSSD, will need all immunizations documented on the Tennessee Department of Health’s official Tennessee Certificate of Immunization. These are available at doctors’ offices or the Health Department (1324 West Main St) and are required for enrollment in school. Most children may have already received these immunizations as part of their routine childhood vaccinations; however, they must be documented on the official Immunization Certificate.

All schools will be open during the summer, with the exception of July 2-6. New students may register anytime during the hours of 8:00-3:00 throughout the summer.