FranklinIs Connected

Giving Thanks


Giving Thanks

The Franklin Fire and Police Departments recently helped to save the life of an 8 month old boy. The baby and his family will be at Franklin Fire Station 2, at 907 Murfreesboro Road, (HWY 96)on Wednesday, November 23rd  at 11:30 a.m. to thank the heroic crew that saved their baby.  Please see the poignant letter below from the mother of the baby.  The Mother’s name is  Johannah Gilman Paiva and her contact information is 767-3210.

Dear Mayor Moore, Alderman Burger, Alderman McLendon, Alderman Skinner, Alderman Martin, Alderman Barnhill, Alderman Bransford, Alderman Moore, and Alderman Petersen,

I wanted to take a moment to pass on my deepest thanks and gratitude to you for your excellent city employees at Franklin Police and Fire, specifically the dispatchers and fire crew working just after 4 p.m. on September 24, 2011, when my baby, Jack, needed emergency assistance.

My normally happy, healthy 8-month-old woke up from his nap, screaming and obviously in pain, and then he became pale and his breathing became shallow, so we began to drive to the closest hospital, Williamson Medical, while calling his pediatrician. On the way from our house to the hospital, Jack’s body went completely limp and white, and he became non-responsive. I hung up with the pediatrician’s answering service, and while my husband drove, I called 9-1-1.

I understand it was Dispatcher Mike Fay who answered instantly, and as frantic as I was in explaining the situation, he remained calm, patient, and caring. He immediately determined and confirmed our exact location and directed us to stop at nearby Fire Station Number Two for immediate emergency assistance. Mr. Fay stayed on the line with me until Jack was in the hands of the paramedics, getting the help he needed.

As soon as we arrived at the station, the firefighters on shift came to our aid. They calmly, quickly assessed Jack and asked us questions about his health and the situation, while getting Jack the help he needed. Shortly after arriving at the station, Jack opened his eyes and vomited – all over the uniform of one of the firefighters (and my husband). They didn’t miss a beat, though, and seemed as happy as we were to have a responsive baby. After oxygen and an IV of fluids, Jack was stable and transported to Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital, where he was treated for intussusception.

The firefighters on duty that day could not have been more kind or professional. They all worked to get us the help we needed, while keeping us calm the entire time. They held Jack while getting an IV line started, and kept me from panicking by telling me about their own children. They even helped us get the diaper bag and my purse to the ambulance, got my husband a clean (Franklin Fire Department) t-shirt to change into, and moved our van for us while we were getting ready to head to the hospital. They were true public servants, in every sense of the word, and friends to us that day– friends we had never met before, and friends we very much needed.

When we pass the fire station, or my husband wears his Franklin Fire t-shirt, or I see my sweet, now-healthy little guy smile at me, I think about the amazing help we were given that day, and how grateful I am for the assistance and kindness we received from each person we encountered.

At the fire station, I understand the names of those men who helped us are: Asst. Chief Greg Baltimore, Capt. Clay Mackey, Lt. Michael Pardue, Engineer Andrew Ivey, Engineer Tommy Anderson, Firefighter Josh Thomas, Firefighter Jason McCord, Firefighter Jeremy Martin, and Firefighter/Paramedic Wes Bryant. Each of these men made the scariest day of my life a little less scary, and took such excellent care of my sweet little boy, and for those things I am forever grateful.

In addition, Dispatcher Fay was a calm, trusted voice of reason and peace during the scariest moments of my life. Even in the midst of my baby needing immediate medical attention, I was taken aback by, and so very grateful for, how professional, direct, calm and caring Dispatcher Fay was able to be.I also understand Dispatcher Natalie Keene was responsible for routing emergency assistance to us. Please let her know as well how much I appreciate her efforts to get us the help we needed.

We have dealt with many emergency responders in our line of work, and those who responded that day are some of the very best we have ever been in contact with. If I ever have to call 9-1-1 again, I hope it is Dispatcher Fay, or someone of his caliber, who answers the call, and men like those at fire station #2 who respond.

We plan to stop by the station near noon on Wednesday, November 23rd, to make sure they know this Thanksgiving how thankful we are for them and their excellent service to our city.

Thank you for running a city with such excellent emergency responders. I cannot say enough wonderful things about the Franklin Fire and Police employees we came into contact with that day. It’s situations like this that make me extra proud to live in Franklin, TN.

Johannah Gilman Paiva