FranklinIs Connected

County makes the grade


County makes the grade

The Tennessee Department of Education’s Report Card was released in late November, and there was something very consistent in Williamson County’s scores – the letter "A."

Williamson County Schools once again scored high marks and showed great improvement across the board. 
A quick overview of the report card includes the following:

• Williamson County Schools made Adequate Yearly Progress under No Child Left Behind.
• 6 middle schools had all A’s in achievement.
• 5 middle schools had all A’s in value-added.  The sixth one had all A’s except one B in value-added.
• 5 elementary schools had all A’s in achievement and in value-added.
• 17 of the 20 elementary schools had all A’s in achievement.  The other 3 had A’s and B’s.
• All elementary schools improved in their value-added scores (unless they had already achieved all A’s).

The Williamson County School District and the Franklin Special School District were two of the seven districts in the state who earned all “A’s” in achievement and all “A’s” in value-added. We are extremely proud of everyone in and out of the district for this high level of achievement.

Please visit our website at for a more detailed presentation concerning our State Report Card.