Williamson County Public Library to Host Free Virtual Meditation Workshop in May

Join Arvind Naik, longtime meditator, for this deep and engaging VIRTUAL meditation workshop Tuesday, May 7, 2024, 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Arvind has been practicing meditation for many years and lectures regularly on its benefits. During this workshop, participants will get to practice a simple meditation technique to help us on our journey to achieve lasting peace, happiness, and a greater sense of well-being.
Arvind Naik works as a Data Architect and Director of Engineering in the information technology field. He lectures and presents workshops on meditation, where he demonstrates how incorporating it into our daily routine can help us develop physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Arvind has led meditation programs at Target, Sleep Number, and Vialto, and regularly speaks at libraries and community centers across the country. He also educates children and teens of various backgrounds about meditation. Arvind was invited by the Columbia Heights Police Department to show how medication can help the officers manage day-to-day stress. He lives in Minnesota and is married with two sons.
This program will be presented VIRTUALLY. The day before the event, Zoom login instructions will be emailed to everyone who registers. All Library programs are free and open to the public.
WCPLtn: Discover Learn Succeed
The Williamson County Public Library System’s Main Library is in downtown Franklin at 1314 Columbia Avenue. Branches are located in Fairview, Bethesda, College Grove, Nolensville, and Leiper’s Fork. For more information about library programs or services, call (615) 595-1243 or visit http://wcpltn.org. Sign up to receive library events and announcements at https://bit.ly/WCPLSe-news. The library can also be found on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, WordPress, and Twitter via @wcpltn. The views expressed in this program are those of the presenter(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official policy, position, or opinions of the Williamson County Public Library System.