FranklinIs Connected

Vegetarian & Vegan Fare


Vegetarian & Vegan Fare

The Wild Cow serves vegetarian & vegan fare in a fun, casual environment in the heart of East Nashville.  Our charity of the month is Blood Water Mission, an organization that brings clean drinking water to impoverished areas in Africa.  For every dinner special sold in June, we’ll donate $1 to this wonderful organization!
They opened the Wild Cow to provide delicious, cruelty-free, healthy food to the people of Middle Tennessee. We will never support the inhumane and environmentally destructive factory farm system that dominates our agricultural economy, nor will we support corporations like Coke and Pepsi that thrive off of our addiction to sugar and artificial “food”. Nearly all of our food is purchased in it’s whole form, meaning we make almost all of our own sauces, dressings, soup stocks, etc. This means that we can name every ingredient in the food we serve!
It is their goal to bring people together for the love of good food in a fun & relaxed environment, while supporting our community and organizations that promote our philosophies.

ote our philosophies.