FranklinIs Connected

The Park at Harlinsdale Farm

The Park at Harlinsdale Farm

The City of Franklin is inviting the community to celebrate Family Day at the Park at Harlinsdale Farm on Sept. 22.  This will be the first day the City’s newest park is open to the public.

Family Day at Harlinsdale Farm takes place from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. and features hayride tours of the property, music, and activities for the entire family.  Guests will also be able to see what the future holds for Harlinsdale Farm by viewing the Master Plan for the park.

Established in 1935 by the Harlin family, the 200-acre walking horse breeding farm was
purchased by the City in 2004.  Harlinsdale Farm is very well-known in the walking horse industry.  “Midnight Sun,” Harlinsdale’s legendary stallion, won the Walking Horse World Championship in 1945 and 1946.  Every championship since then has been a progeny of Midnight Sun.

“The history of the farm and the Harlin family is very important to this community,” stated Mayor Tom Miller.

“Throughout the process of designing the Master Plan, there was one thing we knew for sure. We wanted horses to always be on the property.”

The Park at Harlinsdale Farm is a passive park and will eventually have walking trails, hiking trails, an overlook, and a visitor’s center.  When the park opens on Sept. 22, benches, picnic tables, and restroom facilities will be available.

Family Day is free to the public.  Food will be available for purchase with all proceeds benefiting local charities.

Harlinsdale Farm is located at 239 Franklin Road across from The Factory. Parking will be onsite at the Park.

For more information, contact 615-791-3268 or