Teens and Adults Arts and Crafts Classes
For more information on activities at the Franklin Recreation Complex, call (615) 790-5719, ext. 2010 or view the monthly newsletter at www.wcparksandrec.com. You may also receive department information by “liking” us on Facebook. Williamson County Parks and Recreation is a public organization, here to benefit the community. Anyone may register for and participate in the department’s programs, teams, classes and events. Pre-registration is required for all classes.
This class will inspire your creativity and is designed with the beginner, intermediate or advanced teen and adult art student in mind. Students will choose their own subject matter and medium, learn about perspective and application. Classes are offered on Mondays, March 3-31 from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Franklin Recreation Complex, 1120 Hillsboro Road. The cost is $20 per class. For a class supply list, please contact the instructor, internationally known fine artist, J. A. Yances at (615) 405-8887 or visit www.yances.com. Please register at least one day in advance by calling (615) 790-5719, ext. 2010.
Zentangle is a cool new art form that uses abstract drawings and color to create two intricate one-of-a-kind pieces of art. Zentangle Basics will be on Thursday, March 6 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. or Saturday, March 8 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Franklin Recreation Complex, 1120 Hillsboro Rd. The class is $25 plus a $5 supply fee payable to the instructor. Check out examples of Zentangle at www.linesbylynn.net. To register, call (615) 790-5719, ext. 2010.
This is a beginners sewing class for teens and adults. Learn the basics of machine sewing, using a pattern and making a project. Sewing meets Saturdays, March 8-March 29 from 10:00 a.m. to noon at the Franklin Recreation Complex, 1120 Hillsboro Rd. The four-week course is $40. A supply list will be provided at registration. Students can bring their own sewing machine or reserve one (limited number available). To register, call (615) 790-5719, ext. 2010.
Take Zentangle to a new level in this class and learn how to shade your tangles, creating layering and depth. This class is for teens and adults who have taken Basic Zentangle from a certified teacher. Bring your Zentangle kit from prior class. Zentangle Two will be on Sunday, March 23 from 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Franklin Recreation Complex, 1120 Hillsboro Rd. The class is $20. Check out examples of Zentangle at www.linesbylynn.net. To register, call (615) 790-5719, ext. 2010.