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Steeplechase Fashion

Steeplechase Fashion

You’re Invited to the Second Annual Iroquois Steeplechase LookBook Fashion Show & Marketplace on Thursday, April 12, 2012 at the Hutton Hotel in Nashville.  The Marketplace begins at 5:00pm and the fashion show begins at 7:30pm.  Also, stay after the fashion show for The Inaugural Fashionably Late Party with music by 80’s and more band “Bueller.”

  • VIP table of (10) $900
  • VIP Individual tickets $100 ea.
  • Gen Adm tickets $40 ea.

Purchase tickets at

All VIP tickets come w/plated meal.  Gen Adm comes w/passed hors d’oeuvres .  Food provided by 1808 Grille.

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