FranklinIs Connected

Sizzle Poll

Welcome to The Sizzle Awards PolL


FranklinIs is the home of The Sizzle Awards, Best Businesses of Williamson County, Tennessee Awards - Sizzle Awards Logo.
  • Polls open on February 3rd at 12:00 p.m. and will close on February 28th at 5:00 p.m.
  • Please CLICK into each section below and pick your vote for best business. Submit your votes option is at the bottom of the poll.
  • All sections require a vote option in order to submit the votes.  If you don't have a preference then please select "no preference"
  • Once you have submitted your votes then you will not be able to change your votes.
  • After voting, you may log in to view the Top 5 businesses trending in each category. Exciting!  Good luck to all.