FranklinIs Connected

Realtor Academy

Realtor Academy

WCAR is an approved Real Estate School by the Tennessee Real Estate Commission, and 100% attendance is required.  We offer classes with continuing education credit and occasionally classes for personal development, with no credit hours.

Our series, called REALTOR Academy is the second Thursday of every month.  Chosen by the WCAR Education Committee, these classes are to help the new REALTOR get started or for those looking to get re-started, and are also beneficial and valuable training for any licensee.

Cancellation policy:  Written cancellation must be provided at least 24 hours in advance to Upon receipt of cancellation notice, class fee will be mailed within 10 business days. Please be sure to include mailing address. Notice with less than 24 hours will be considered the same as a no-show, and class fee is not returned.

To register or learn more about our upcoming course offerings, view the list below and click on the class. If you have any suggestions for topics, please let us know. We are here to help.

Date Course
M-T-W & Monday,
October 3 4,5 & 10, 2011
Office Broker Management Course,
8:30am – 4:30pm each day, lunch included
Tuesday and Wednesday, October 11 & 12, 2011 Seniors Real Estate Specialist (SRES), 8:30am – 5:00pm
October 13, 2011
It Begins and Ends With The Money, 9am – 1pm
November 8, 2011
Advertising, Ethics, Internet and the Law, 9:00am – 11:00am
November 8, 2011
Representing Estate, 11:15am – 1:15pm
November 10, 2011
Your Offer is Binding…Now What?
9am – 11am
November 15, 2011
Unethical or Bad Judgment?  9am – 12pm
~ an NAR Ethics course ~
December 5, 2011
TREC Core Course, 9am – 3:30pm
December 6, 2011
Integrity Earns More, 10am – noon
WCAR members only  ~  free
January 10, 2012
Basics for Building a Better Business, 9am – 1pm, prepare for 2012!

Online Course Offerings:WCAR offers you the opportunity to take selected classes online. Simply login and register and your course will begin right away. The following classes are available:

Basics of Real Estate Taxation 6 TREC $59
Breaking Barriers – Fair Housing 3 TREC $29
Cracking the Code of Ethics 3 TREC $29
Foundations of Real Estate Finance 6 TREC $59
Real Estate Appraisal for Agents 6 TREC $59
Selling to Your Sphere of Influence 3 TREC $29
2011/2012 TREC Core Course 6 TREC $59

Education Requirements

For License Renewal:

The Tennessee Real Estate Commission (TREC) requires all licensees holding a full two-year license to complete sixteen hours of continuing education.

Included in that sixteen must be a course titled “TREC Core Course”.  The current course being offered is the 2011/2012 TREC Core Course.

Licensees must have the mandatory hours with the TREC Core Course and remaining elective hours for a total of 16.  The elective hours can be filled with anything you like, as long as it is TREC approved.

With the staggering of license expiration dates, all licensees have a unique license expiration date all their own.  Education must be completed by the license expiration date.

As a REALTOR® member:

As a member of NAR, you are required to complete approximately three hours of NAR Code of Ethics every four years.  This third cycle is from January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2012.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Not all ethics courses are the same.  Please be sure that the course you are taking is an NAR-approved ethics course.