Pres. Trust Conference
Conference begins today, runs through Saturday…
Historic Franklin hosts Tennessee Preservation Trust Conference March 29-31, 2007
Anyone interested in learning more about historic preservation is invited to register for the Tennessee Preservation Trust Conference to be held in Historic Downtown Franklin March 29-31.
The cost of the conference is Student: $80, TPT member: $135 and non-TPT member: $165.
Features include a reception at Carnton Plantation, Field tours of historic Franklin on Thursday and Leiper’ Fork on Saturday.
There will be a Stone Wall Workshop on Saturday, March 31, for an additional cost of $225 to learn the craft from a stone mason from Ireland.
It is being conducted by the Dry Stone Conservancy from Lexington, Ky.
It is a hands-on workshop and participants will rebuild the north section of the Rest Haven Cemetery stone wall.