October Trail Walk, Halloween parties
The Therapeutic Recreation programs offered by Williamson County Parks and Recreation provide year-round leisure activities for individuals with developmental disabilities. Therapeutic programs are led by Therapeutic Recreation Specialists who assist people with disabilities to develop skills and knowledge for daily living and community involvement. Recreation Specialists conduct monthly ongoing programs at three locations: the Franklin Recreation Complex, 1120 Hillsboro Rd.; the Longview Recreation Center at Spring Hill, 2909 Commonwealth Dr.; and the Williamson County Recreation Complex at Nolensville, 7250 Nolensville Rd. All programs are open to the public.
Trail Walk and Picnic
Join the Therapeutic Recreation staff of Williamson County Parks and Recreation for a trail scavenger hunt and picnic on Monday, October 19 at Timberland Park, located at mile marker 437.2 on the historic Natchez Trace Pkwy. Meet the group at Timberland at 10:00 a.m., enjoy short trail walks followed by a catered box lunch picnic at 11:30. After lunch, there will be craft time in the interpretive center. This is a PALS-People at Leisure with Support program, and caregivers are required to register and attend with those needing support. The cost is $10 per person. Register on-line before October 14 at www.wcparksandrec.com (code #5506). This program is for young adults and older. For additional information, contact Jayne McFadden at the Franklin Recreation Complex, 1120 Hillsboro Rd., (615) 790-5719, ext. 2033.
Recreation Night in Franklin
Get in the Halloween spirit on Thursday, October 22 at the Franklin Recreation Complex, 1120 Hillsboro Rd. Therapeutic recreation participants are invited to decorate a pumpkin to take home at this fun social event. Enjoy a delicious pizza dinner and dessert. This is a PALS-People at Leisure with Support program, and caregivers are required to register and attend with those needing support. The cost is $6 per person. This program is for young adults and older. Register on-line October 1-20 at www.wcparksandrec.com (code #5009). For additional information, contact Jayne McFadden at the Franklin Recreation Complex, 1120 Hillsboro Rd., (615) 790-5719, ext. 2025.
Social Night in Nolensville
The Williamson County Parks and Recreation Department will offer a Halloween costume contest and pizza party on October 27 as part of the therapeutic recreation program at the Nolensville Recreation Complex, 7250 Nolensville Rd. This program is for young adults and older, and the cost is $5. This is a P.A.L.S. program (People at Leisure with Support) with caregivers required to stay with those needing support. Caregivers wishing to eat are asked to register and pay the $5 program fee. Registration is required on-line (code #5458) before October. For more information regarding therapeutics programs in Nolensville, contact Krista Hollis at (615) 786-0200, ext. 2421.
Williamson County Parks and Recreation is a public organization, here to benefit the community. Anyone may register for and participate in the department’s programs, teams, classes and events. For registration and additional information, visit www.wcparksandrec.com, or call (615) 790-5719, ext. 2010. You may also receive department information by “liking” Williamson County Parks and Recreation on Facebook or following us on Twitter at @wc_parksandrec or on Pinterest.