FranklinIs Connected

Mercy Community Healthcare


Mercy Community Healthcare

Mercy Community Healthcare, formerly Mercy Children’s Clinic, is hosting three American Girl Fashion Shows on Saturday, November 9, 2013, at Jamison Hall in the Factory at Franklin in Franklin, TN to raise funds to provide quality healthcare for the uninsured and underserved in our community.

Mercy is seeking girls to wear historical and contemporary fashions for each show. Girls with confidence and sparkle will make the show exciting for the audience.

Bring application, signed release, photograph of your daughter and $5 entry fee at the time of the model search on Saturday, June 1, 2013 at Mercy 1pm – size 6x models & 3pm – size 10 models.

Click here for more details.

(There is a $5 entry fee per model and if chosen to participate in the show, a $75 modeling package fee.)

2013 American Girl Fashion Show Model Search Application