FranklinIs Connected

Kids Triathlon

Kids Triathlon

Williamson County Parks and Recreation is pleased to announce the first annual Nolensville Kids Triathlon, a youth swim, bike and run competition on Sunday, August 16, 2015 at the Williamson County Recreation Complex at Nolensville, 7250 Nolensville Rd. Boys and girls ages 5 to 15 are invited to enter this official USA Triathlon-sanctioned youth event.

Athletes will race according to their age as of December 31, 2015, and will be divided into three levels: ages 5 to 7, swim 50 yds/bike 2.5 miles/run .7 miles; ages 8 to 11, swim 100 yds/bike 2.5 miles/run .7 miles; ages 12 to 15, swim 150 yds/bike 5 miles/run 1.5 miles.   Registration is now open at and the entry fee is $30 through July 31, 2015. This event begins at 7:00 a.m., and is presented by BEAT (Brentwood Endurance Athletic Team).

Williamson County Parks and Recreation is a public organization, operating for the benefit of the community. Anyone can register for and participate in our events, classes, camps and programs. You may also receive department information by “liking” Williamson County Parks and Recreation on Facebook or following us on Twitter at @wc_parksandrec or on Pinterest.