Jingle Bell Sale
Below are some of the fun events that take place at BrightStone each holiday season.
Jingle Bell Sale, Preview Sale Thursday Night for $5 donation
Thursday, 12/5, 5 – 7:30 Friday, 12/6, 10 – 5:30 Saturday, 12/7, 10 – 3:00
This event is a two-day sale that attracts a dedicated following of customers. Held at BrightStone in early December and open to the public, the sale features items produced by our adults with special needs. Ceramic stoneware pieces, themed gift pots, and tasty mixes provide just the perfect items for gift giving among family, friends and co-workers. High quality and economically priced, the Jingle Bell Sale is a shopper’s delight!
Christmas Program & Reception
December 12 @ 6:30 p.m.
“There’s No Christmas Like a Home Christmas”
This performance is a free community event that is held at The Factory in Franklin and attracts over 450 friends. Guests are treated to scrumptious refreshments and a heart-warming performance that features our adults singing, dancing, and playing instruments. This amazing program, produced each year by Judy Fincannon, our dedicated volunteer music teacher, will most certainly prepare your heart for Christmas!