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Interior Painting

Interior Painting

Seven Steps to a Painting Success!

Recently, I decided to take on a painting adventure and repaint my bedroom.  Never in my life have I painted a room or the exterior of a home, but I decided it was time to take matters into my own hands, suck it up and paint.  These are my seven special steps to a painting success!

Step 1
Primer isn’t just for exteriors anymore…
It is worth it!  Be sure to talk with your paint specialist, who is selling you the paint and pick the perfect primer.

Step 2

Before you prime the wall, take a day to paint different splotches on the walls in order to pick the color that will suit you best.

Step 3
Splurge on brushes.  If you splurge on anything splurge on brushes.  They will determine how the paint spreads across the walls of your room.

Step 4
Allow for plenty of time between priming the room and painting it. I suggest about 10-12
hours between applications.

Step 5
Have a painting party.  Invite over a few friends, cover your floors and furniture with plastic coverings.  Have some light hors hours, wine, and cheese and paint away.  It makes the painting experience so much better when there is company!

Step 6
Have fans, open windows and be sure to ventilate so that your entire home doesn’t smell like paint.

Step 7
Allow at least 48 hours of drying time before you move things back into your room.