FranklinIs Connected

Improvements on Hillsboro Road

Improvements on Hillsboro Road

This project is the second phase of the overall Hillsboro Road Improvements Project, creating roadway and utility infrastructure upgrades to Hillsboro Road, State Route 106. Aspects of this project include:

Widening from a 2-lane roadway with shoulders to 3-lanes (includes a new center turn lane) with curb and gutter (widening is symmetrical along the roadway’s existing centerline); New 4.0’ Bike lanes on both sides;  New 3.0’ grass strip with street trees;  New 5.0’ sidewalk along both sides of the roadway, up to Claude Yates;  New street lighting along both sides using decorative street light poles;  Northbound right turn lanes (in addition to the 2 travel lanes and center turn lane) to be added in front of Franklin High School and at both of the Joel Cheek Blvd. and Claude Yates Drive Intersections;  Installing a traffic control signal at Claude Yates Drive to help with Franklin High School Traffic;  Upgrading the Joel Cheek Blvd. traffic signal;  Relocating all overhead utilities into underground duct banks;  Upgrading older and undersized water and sanitary sewer utility lines; and Installing a new storm water sewer system with catch basins and yard inlets.  These upgrades take place in both State Rights-of-Way and City/Public Easements.

Project Length & Limits
Total project length is approximately 0.827 Miles.
Beginning: Along Hillsboro Road (SR-106), by Independence Square/1200 feet north of Del Rio Pike.
Ending: Along Hillsboro Road (SR-106), just south of the Mack Hatcher Parkway (SR-397) intersection.

Construction Timeframe
The construction contract was awarded to Eutaw Construction Company in March 2016.  The contract time starts on April 18th.  You may see traffic control devices and erosion protection measures installed later in April.  Actual construction will begin in early May.  The project is scheduled to last 14 months, with completion by August 2017.  This is an aggressive schedule for the contractor to follow, considering the vast amount of utility relocation work.  The City will work closely with the local utility companies to make sure they help get this project completed in a timely manner.

Project Contact
William Banks – Project Manager
(615) 550-6677

For more information, please contact the City of Franklin.

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