Halloween Costumes
Trick or Treat!! We’ve combed through several pics to bring you some of the cutest Halloween costume ideas for October 31.
Do you have a fabulous costume idea? Send us a pic, and it may make it on this page. Email: Contact@FranklinIS.com with the subject line: Halloween Costumes
Curious about the origins of Halloween costumes and trick or treating? Check out the latest from Wikipedia:
“In parts of Ireland, Scotland, Mann and Wales, the festival also included guising and mumming.[24] This involved people going from house to house in costume (or in disguise) reciting songs in exchange for food.[24] Guising at the festival goes back at least as far as the 18th century.[24] It may have come from the Christian custom of souling (see below) or it may have a Celtic origin, with the costumes being a means of imitating, or disguising oneself from, the spirits/fairies. In some places, young people dressed as the opposite gender.[24] In parts of Wales, men went about dressed as fearsome beings called gwrachod.[24] In parts of southern Ireland, the guisers included a hobby horse – a man dressed as a Láir Bhán (white mare) would lead youths house-to-house collecting food; by giving them food, the household could expect good fortune from the ‘Muck Olla’.[25] Elsewhere in Europe, mumming and hobby horses were a part of other festivals. However, they may have been “particularly appropriate to a night upon which supernatural beings were said to be abroad and could be imitated or warded off by human wanderers”.[24] When “imitating malignant spirits it was a very short step from guising to playing pranks”.[24] The guisers commonly played pranks in Ireland and the Scottish Highlands.[24] Guising and playing pranks at Halloween spread to England in the 20th century.”[24]