Garden Tips for June
“This is the month of shortest nights
And garden scents are heavy and sweet
Now the rose blooms, red, pink and white
Bright, glowing in the evening heat”
~By David Squire~
- The best time to pick flowers from your garden is in the early morning. For longer lasting arrangements, use a clean container, change your water daily and cut the tip off the stems every few days.
- Deadhead and lightly prune roses regularly throughout the summer. Prune a small amount off the stem after each flower has finished to encourage more blooms. When pruning, always remember to cut above a stem with five leaves.
- Keep a close eye out for rust. Rust is a fungal disease that causes orange spots on leaves. If you see signs of rust, make sure to remove and destroy the infected areas of your plant. This disease spreads quickly so be careful not to drop infected cuttings on the soil.