FranklinIs Connected

Free Eclipse Viewing Party

Free Eclipse Viewing Party

August 21 at Timberland Park

Williamson County Parks and Recreation is pleased to announce a free family solar eclipse viewing event August 21 at Timberland Park. The party starts at noon with guided hikes, a bounce house, snow cones, moon rock painting and more.  The total eclipse will peak at 1:27 p.m., and the event will conclude at 3:00 p.m.

The eclipse at Timberland will cover around 99% or more of the sun. While that means that only a very small portion of the sun will still shine, that small portion can still damage your eyes. Safety glasses will be provided for eclipse viewing but they are on a first-come first-served basis and supplies are limited. If you have any questions about this event or eclipses in general, please call Timberland Park at (615) 232-4154.

Timberland Park is located at mile marker 437.2 on the historic Natchez Trace Parkway, south of the Highway 96 entrance and iconic bridge. The event is free, but pre-registration is recommended at (code #10268).

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