Envision Franklin Draft Release & Community Open House

Two open houses will occur on September 19th in the main corridor of City Hall
at 11 AM – 1 PM OR from 5 PM – 6:30 PM
Franklin— The City of Franklin is pleased to release a draft of the Envision Franklin Comprehensive Update. The Plan articulates the long-term vision of the kind of places that Franklin’s residents, businesses, and institutions want for their future. The plan provides policies that reinforce this collective vision by directing future development in a way that strengthens the City and creates exceptional places for people. A draft of the Housing Strategy was also released for the public to review.
As part of the unveiling, the City will introduce the Plan to the public and gather feedback through two open houses. Both open houses will occur on September 19th in the main corridor of City Hall. Those interested can attend from 11 AM – 1 PM OR from 5 PM – 6:30 PM. The purpose of the meeting will be to collect feedback on the draft changes and additions. A light lunch will be provided and snacks will be available for the evening session. The community meeting will take place at:
Franklin City Hall, Main Corridor
109 3rd Ave, Franklin, TN 37064
September 19th, 2023
11AM – 1 PM OR 5- 6:30 PM
The meeting will be facilitated by the City of Franklin Planning and Sustainability Department and the consultant team, Rundell Ernstberger and Associates (REA).
To view the public draft and stay updated on the process, please visit the project webpage,www.franklintn.gov/envisionfranklinupdate or contact Teresa Anderson at Teresa.Anderson@franklintn.gov or 615-550-6794.
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