FranklinIs Connected

Eating Disorders Awareness Week

Eating Disorders Awareness Week

February 22- 28, 2009 marks Eating Disorders Awareness week.  This past September, the Eating Disorders Coalition of Tennessee raised $32,000 in the Fashion for everybody fashion show.  Middle Tennessee is a buzz with eating disorders awareness and prevention services due to the programs and events of the Eating Disorders Coalition of Tennessee.  Check out all the happenings within Tennessee’s mid-region.  This February, the EDCT is raising more awareness about eating disorders throughout the week.  Check out the schedule of events:

Friday, February 20
EDCT-Knox Area Professional Training
Creating a Postive Impact on Body Image

Monday, February 23
Eating Disorders Coalition of Tennessee-Memphis
The Century Project exhibit

Tuesday, February 24
Eating Disorders Coalition of Tennessee-Memphis
Memphis movie premier of
America the Beautiful!

Vanderbilt Law School Panel Disucssion
What is Normal Eating? Unveiling Disordered Eating in a
High-Stress Environment

Wednesday, February 25

Worldwide Charter for Action on Eating Disorders
Nashville Press Conference

All Week:
The Cosmetic Market has a great discount offer!

EDCT has a Speakers Bureau and family support groups.  Over 45 members of the EDCT have been trained through our Speakers Bureau training and go out into the community and speak free of charge about eating disorders, body image, nutrition, and much more.  Since its inception in 2003, the Speakers Bureau has reached over 15,000 Tennesseans and is growing each year.  This past year over thirty different EDCT members went out into the community to speak on behalf of the organization. Contact Jennifer Katzenmiller to schedule a Speakers Bureau presentation for your organization or to sign up for our next Speakers Bureau training.   

The Families Supporting Families support groups have grown this year. In Nashville, FSF meets the first and third Monday of each month at the EDCT office, 2120 Crestmoor Rd., Ste. 3000.  The group averages about 14 participants each meeting.  The group is co-facilitated by Connie Horton and Kathy Gaston.  Kathy and Connie are helping states like Washington and Kentucky start their own Families Supporting Families support groups with help from the EDCT Families Supporting Families Facilitator’s Training Manual and Guidebook. Having a place to talk with other families about issues related to eating disorders, and how the whole family is affected by them continues to be one of the most important programs of the EDCT.

To learn more about the EDCT, visit

About the EDCT
The Eating Disorders Coalition of Tennessee (EDCT) began in 2001 as a task force of health professionals seeking to create an organization that served as a contact point for Tennessee. The task force quickly became a Coalition of both professionals and community members dedicated to educating, empowering, and supporting those affected by disordered eating.

In September 2002, the EDCT received its 501 (c)(3) status.  Since that time, the organization has been educating people across the state about the impact of eating disorders on the lives of individuals and their families.  The EDCT continually serves as a resource for Tennesseans seeking assistance and support.