College Scholarships
Current high school and college students are encouraged to apply for $1,500 scholarships; two scholarships will be awarded
High school seniors and current college students who live in Williamson County are encouraged to apply for college scholarships that will be awarded by Leadership Franklin. The deadline to submit an application is May 16, 2012.
Leadership Franklin will award two (2) $1,500 scholarships to students who meet the scholarship criteria. Students must have a minimum 2.7 cumulative grade point average to be considered. A copy of the student’s transcript and a 200 word essay answering the question “What are my goals for the next five years?” must accompany the application for the college scholarship award. Scholarships are awarded based on a combination of scholarship application points, community involvement, and quality of essay. Preference is given to childrenand grandchildren of Leadership Franklin participants; however, all eligible students are encouraged to apply for the college scholarships.
Applications may be obtained online at Please contact Travis Anderson at 615-538-7018 or with any questions regarding theapplication process. Completed applications with accompanying materials can be emailed or mailed to Leadership Franklin, Attn: Paula Ehresman Harris, PO Box 682404, Franklin, TN 37068.
About Leadership Franklin:
Now in its 16th year, Leadership Franklin is a non-profit community leadership organization dedicated to educating, informing and empowering leaders to improve the quality of life in Franklin and Williamson County. Leadership Franklin is funded primarily by business, individual and alumni contributions. Approximately 20 participants are chosen each year based on commitment to the Williamson County community, previous participation in community, civic, or professional organizations, and demonstrated leadership in current or previous positions.