FranklinIs Connected

City of Franklin Celebrates Final Meetings in Old City Hall

City of Franklin Celebrates Final Meetings in Old City Hall

Former Mayors, Aldermen and Public invited to attend

Franklin—The City of Franklin will hold the final Board of Mayor and Alderman Meeting and Work Session in the old City Hall location at 109 Third Avenue South tomorrow, January 28, 2025. Most employees have moved out of the building to the Interim City Hall locations on Columbia and 9th Avenues in Franklin. The City will celebrate with photos, a ceremonial signing of the board room wall, and signing a City seal that will be put in place in the new City Hall.

City Hall has been located on the square since 1981-2025 holding thousands of employees over the last 44 years. The building is scheduled to be torn down in the spring of 2025 with construction on the new City Hall to be complete in 2027. For more information about the project and to see a preview of the new design go to hall.

City of Franklin_Visitor Parking Attachment - 1

City hall offices have moved to the following locations:

  • Billing and Licensing, IT and Communications Production – 204 9th Ave. South, Franklin
  • Community Development-Engineering, Planning and Sustainability and Building and Neighborhood Services – 120 9th Ave. South, Franklin
  • Administration-Human Resources, Finance, Budget and Performance, Purchasing, Communications and Law – 740 Columbia Ave., Franklin
