FranklinIs Connected

City of Franklin Asks Citizens to Name a Snowplow


City of Franklin Asks Citizens to Name a Snowplow

Franklin—The City is looking to get in on the fun that’s happening across the state and country by asking for input in naming one of the Streets Department snowplows. Beginning January 13-31, the City will be accepting names for one City snowplow for the City’s consideration. The City will review submissions beginning February 1 and then open a public voting period. One name will be chosen this year.

The snowplow naming has become a recent trend across the country. Below are the City’s ground rules for submitting a name.

  • The submission form will be open through 5pm on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 at
  • Each person may submit only one name.
  • Submissions are limited to no more than 30 characters (including letters and spaces).
  • Gosh darn it, nothing vulgar please. Any submissions that include profanity or other inappropriate language will not be considered.
  • Politically inspired names (including phrases, slogans or plays on politicians’ names) will not be considered. Naming snowplows is meant to be fun and lighthearted, so we’re going to keep this contest nonpartisan and nonpolitical.

Once the submission period is complete, a voting period will begin February 1-8 and a winning name announced on February 9. The person who submits the winning name will be invited to a photo-op as we apply the name to the snowplow.