FranklinIs Connected

Citizen’s Police Academy

Citizen’s Police Academy

The sheriff office will be hosting it’s annual Citizens Sheriff’s Academy beginning Feb. 22, 2007. The Citizens Sheriff’s Academy meets on Thursday night from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. for 14 weeks.

The objective of the academy is to enlighten the citizen on the workings of their sheriff’s office. Topics of instruction are patrol, criminal investigations, warrant service, court security, traffic control, jail operations, etc. Each student will be given opportunities to ride a tour with deputies and go to the firing range and fire all weapons utilized by the sheriff’s office.

Applications can be picked up at the sheriff’s office located at 408 Century Ct. Application dead line is Jan. 19, 2007, and class is limited to 25 students.

The sheriff office also offers to citizens of Williamson County a handgun safety class. The class meets every other month and is taught by sheriff’s office personnel. For further information contact Michelle Corley of Misty Foster at 790-5560.


The Sheriff’s Office recentley participated in Operation Falcon III.  Operation Falcon III was a nationwide roundup for sex offenders, gang members and other fugitives.  The roundup was led by the U.S. Marshals Service.  The roundup was in 24 states east of the Mississippi.  There were 862 arrest made in Middle Tennessee with 39 in Williamson County alone.  Middle Tennessee captured more fugitives than any other federal district.