FranklinIs Connected

Citizens Government Academy

Citizens Government Academy

Applications Available for Citizens Government Academy

Learn more about City of Franklin government procedures and decisions that directly affect you by becoming a member of the next Citizens Government Academy.

The City of Franklin is accepting applications to the Academy, which provides insight into local government. The next session will begin on September 1, 2016.  Classes are held on Thursdays beginning at 6:00 PM, and run for eight (8) consecutive weeks. A Saturday tour of City facilities is also included.

Participants will learn about the wide variety of services provided by the City and about key areas such as planning, finance, public works, and public safety. Participants will also have the opportunity to tour key facilities, talk with City officials, and gain a new perspective on the inner-workings of their local government.

Applications are available online.  They can also be downloaded here [PDF].  Applications are due by August 3, 2016. 

The Citizens Government Academy is free and available to all residents of the City of Franklin over 18 years of age. Class size is limited. If interested, please call 615-550-6606 or e-mail