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GraceWorks Ministries

GraceWorks Ministries

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Neighbor serving Neighbor, by the power of God’s grace.

GraceWorks Ministries was established 1995 by a group of concerned Williamson County citizens and faith leaders who sought a comprehensive, collaborative solution to the complex issue of poverty. Our founders recognized that local low-income residents had diverse needs – food, clothing, housing support, and financial assistance – yet, most area nonprofits and churches focused on only one or two services. By pooling church resources with private and public sectors, GraceWorks has been able to offer wraparound services to a large number of individuals and families in need, closing our more recent fiscal year having served 13,517 unduplicated Neighbors.

GraceWorks’ communal approach to charitable work is expressed in our mission statement: Neighbor serving Neighbor, by the power of God’s grace. GraceWorks is comprised of a 21-member Board of Directors, 50+ staff members and an average of 270 volunteers serving onsite each week.

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