FranklinIs Connected

Adopted soldiers

Adopted soldiers

Franklin Elementary School is proud to welcome home its adopted soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division.

The pre-kindergarten through fourth-grade school adopted the 1/327 Delta Company, 1st Platoon, from Fort Campbell, KY, back in September 2005, only days before those men and women were deployed to Iraq. The soldiers spent a day at the school — each in a classroom getting to know their newest pen pals and explaining their role in the military. While they were deployed, the students kept the soldiers in their thoughts and many continued to stay in contact with their adopted soldier.

Tragically, one soldier, PV2 Joseph Duenas, was killed earlier this year in Iraq. The school held a memorial service in his honor and the school counselor helped his adopted class cope with the loss.

Last week, there was a celebration of the soldiers’ safe return to the United States. Dignitaries from the City of Franklin were on-hand to recognize the returning heroes.

For additional information contact:
David L. Snowden, Director of Schools  or 794-6624

Office of the Director of Schools
Dr. David Snowden, Director of Schools
Charlotte Stinson, Administrative Assistant

* visit the FSSD  website

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