Pull-Tight Theater halts main stage shows for the rest of 2020
Pull-Tight closed for the remainder of 2020
In the wake of Broadway’s extended closure and the decisions of many Middle Tennessee organizations to shutter for the foreseeable future, the Pull-Tight board of directors has made the difficult choice to remain closed through at least December 2020. This means that, although we may be conducting business behind the scenes to keep the theater ready for a relaunch, we will not be producing mainstage shows for the next few months.
We did not arrive at this decision lightly. Our goal always has been to provide quality entertainment to Williamson County in a safe and open environment. However, with recent developments across the state regarding public health, the fairest course of action for our patrons and volunteers is to announce this definite closure rather than a month-by-month re-evaluation. We agreed an indefinite holding pattern was not in our best interests.
We will continue to assess the situation and make adjustments as necessary. The Real Inspector Hound, directed by Tom Gregg, will be the first show out of the gates. While we hope this will be in our usual January/February 2021 time slot, we recognize the potential for change and will adapt as needed to preserve a safe environment for our audiences and volunteers.
We thank you for your commitment to Pull-Tight and the arts.
All the best,
Matt Grimes
President, Pull-Tight Board of Directors